Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Chapter One: In The Beginning

So I’ve know Maria since the 6th grade at Calle Mayor Middle School. She was in my homeroom class with Ms. Hewitt. My oldest memory of Maria is her sitting at the table closest to the teacher’s desk next to her best friend at the time Hamidah Sultan. Haha! She had a pony tail on top of her head and always wore flannel shirts. I remember her black and red flannel in particular! My next memory of Maria is sharing 8th grade government class taught by Mr. Ladre. I just remember her still hanging out with Hamidah, whom was very mean. Now as far as South High goes, I don’t have a single memory of Maria. In all honesty I wasn’t close to her at all. And have no recollection of sharing any conversations with her at all.

It wasn’t until the fall of 2004 when I got back in touch with a mutual friend Michelle that I came back in touch (or first in touch) with Maria. It was on the on-line social network known as MySpace where we first came into contact. I was browsing through graduates from my class and came across her. I sent her message asking how she had been and what she had been up to. And we’ve have been talking ever since. It started with us sending messages back and forth with small chit chat. But it wasn’t until she looked to me for advice and/or an opinion concerning her then troubled relationship that we really started talking. I felt a connection with her in the sense I had gone through a similar situation myself. And slowly we both soon began confiding in each other about personal matters.

We developed (in my opinion) a very unique relationship in where we never hung out in person ever, yet talked over the phone quite frequently. Our conversations became that of lending an ear in trying times, sharing hopes and dreams about our futures, discussing TV shows, movies, and other current events. We talked about anything and everything for hours on end.

I always invited Maria out to different social events and out for dinner. But she never accepted my invitations. Why, you ask? I’m not exactly sure. But as co-author of this blog I hope in a future post she will let us know! We talked on and off for four years, never once meeting in person. And yet, my feelings for her had grown very strong over time. I had to have this girl in my life!

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