Saturday, March 13, 2010

Our little friends...

Sleeping Gabriel && Ponyo

Maria hearts Domo very much!!!

Maria, Mikey, && Scrump

Gabriel, Scrump, Mikey, && Domo

Maria && Ponyo

I Thank God...

I am sitting here in my room in front of the computer and all I could think about is Gabriel. I just wanted to say how thankful I am to have Gabriel in my life. I thank God for giving me a chance to love someone who loves me in return. I am convinced that God led me to Gabriel because he is my ANGEL. He has been by my side for the past five years. He has heard me cry on the phone so many times and yet he never got tired of hearing me cry (even though at times I over react with my emotions). He is truly my one and only mahal. I couldn't ask for anything else because what I have with Gabriel is one of a kind. He is right when he said that we would get along "famously".

The Happiest place on earth!

*Our home away from home*

I don't know what it is but....

Gabriel said the song "I love you" by Chris Brown reminds him of me. And now every time I listen to this song, it reminds me of US.

The very thought of you!

Gabriel, I am thinking about you right now. You are driving to Arizona as we speak and the very thought of you makes me miss you a lot. I miss you my Mahal! I can't wait to see you on monday. I love you!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I'm ready...